Author Georgia D. Lee
All Articles
5 more signs he’s not ready for a relationship
5 mistakes women make early in dating
6 subtle signs it’s not just about sex (he genuinely loves you!)
7 things a good guy won't let you do
3 ways to help a betrayed man trust you
4 more ways to help a betrayed man trust you
4 good people who can make bad partners
4 signs a shy guy is totally into you
4 tests that will reveal what you are actually looking for in a lover
4 times when ghosting is the right way to date
4 traits that can be both good and bad in love
5 early signs he’s not the right guy
5 good qualities that don’t make him Mr. Right
5 more mistakes women make early in dating
5 more signs he’s totally into you and you’re STILL completely clueless!
5 more signs he's emotionally unavailable
5 qualities you should look for if you want it to work
5 reasons why 'friends with benefits' will never benefit you
5 reasons you still attract crazy people
5 reasons your relationship needs a label
5 signs he’s not ready for a relationship
5 signs he’s totally into you and you’re completely clueless
5 signs he's emotionally unavailable
5 signs you’re having a social affair
5 Signs you’re on a date and don’t know it
5 signs your guy friend is interested in you
5 things cheaters are actually afraid of
5 things men are dying to tell you but don’t know how
5 things real men don’t do
6 signs she doesn’t know if she should date you
6 tips on spotting men who are secretly selfish
7 common compliments that actually make women cringe
7 reasons to make your best friend your boyfriend
7 signs you found a great guy
7 simple compliments women actually love to hear
8 ways opposites have the same love troubles
Ask these 5 questions to save you a world of trouble in dating
Falling in love can be unexpected
Falling in love over laughter
The honest truth about dating a friend
You'll know it when he shows it
3 reasons some stray and others stay
4 business skills that can help your relationship
4 business skills that can sabotage your relationship
4 more signs you’re in a situationship
4 more signs he loves you for all the wrong reasons
4 signs you’re in a situationship
4 times it's OK to lie in your relationship
5 more signs he loves you for all the wrong reasons
5 more signs your guy is not over his ex
5 privacy rules healthy couples naturally follow
5 signs it’s actually your job to propose to your boyfriend
5 signs you need to say 'no' to that surprise proposal
5 signs your guy is not over his ex
5 signs your relationship is poisoning you
5 tips on tech etiquette for couples
5 ways to keep your love alive through fighting
5 types of men you definitely want to marry
6 more secret reasons people cheat
6 more secrets to lasting love
6 secret reasons people cheat
6 secrets to lasting love
6 signs he loves you for all the right reasons
6 signs he loves you for all the wrong reasons
6 things to consider before eloping
6 things you need to cut out of your relationship before it’s over
7 crucial questions to ask before tying the knot
7 signs he’s ready to wed
7 subtle signs you’re in the wrong relationship
10 signs you’re in the right relationship
Couples whose love lasts forever agree on these 6 things from the beginning
Do your battles become wars These 5 tips will change your life
How to settle the score in warzone relationships
3 toxic fights that will crumble your marriage
4 disasters that come from marrying a rich man
4 more signs your husband is thinking about divorce
4 rules for a happy single-income home
4 signs you're married but don't really have a husband
4 things you should never do for your husband
5 hidden reasons marriages collapse
5 hidden reasons your hubby isn’t happy
5 legit reasons you’re better off alone than with a cheater
5 lies wives tell themselves about lying to their husbands
5 marriage traditions you need to let go of
5 more signs you're married but don't really have a husband
5 reasons to keep your spouse 1 and the kids 2
5 reasons why you’re to blame for the lies your spouse tells you
5 signs you’re that annoying married friend
5 special days that speak volumes about your marriage
5 things all husbands must know to stay (happily) married
5 things husbands do that make a wife crazy jealous
5 things that are never OK in a marriage
5 things to remember in a lonely marriage
5 things your husband is deathly afraid to tell you
5 types of men who make great second husbands
5 unique marriage quirks that work
5 ways routine is wrecking your marriage
5 ways to cope with your spouse's friends
5 ways to tell if your husband trusts your emotions
6 harmless habits that can shred your marriage to pieces
6 ways to keep your husband emotionally satisfied
7 signs your spouse is controlling you (and you don’t even know it)
7 truths every feminist wife needs her husband to know
8 ways to show your wife that she’s your top priority
10 phrases that are emotionally crippling your wife
A kiss a day keeps the marriage counselor away
Headed for divorce 4 subtle signs of a struggling marriage
How to be a good wife without becoming a doormat
How to keep from settling when settling down
How to prevent your relationship from going sour
How to tell when it's time for marriage counseling
Making your marriage compatible even in a mismatch
What your husband needs to know about your insecurities
Who's really head of the household
Family & Parenting
4 legit reasons you may not admit to wanting kids
4 more reasons you may not admit to wanting kids
5 life lessons you can’t teach your children
5 more ways to show your children love
5 questions you need to ask your hubby before you have a baby
5 signs you have kids together but you’re not a family
5 steps to picking kid-friendly pets at any age
5 tips on fighting fair with your teen
5 tips on offering advice to adult children
6 dreams parents have for their children that are secretly damaging them
6 mixed messages society sends about fatherhood
6 signs you’re a better mom than your own mother
6 simple rules for having a happy home
6 ways not to ruin your baby’s name
7 signs you’re a co-dependent parent
7 ways you are ruining your child’s life
8 parenting mistakes you don’t have to make
8 realities of growing up in a large family
8 telltale signs of a remarkable father
8 ways to give your baby a creative name
9 things you should never say in a fight with your child
10 things moms do that are super annoying
10 things parents need to know about their highly sensitive child
10 tips to help your child succeed in life
Helping kids cope with the realities of privilege
How parents of teens can compete with technology
How to teach children to be less judgmental
Teaching your kids about the realities of adult relationships
When is the right time to have a child
Breakups & Divorce
5 reasons we keep coming back after breakups
5 more reasons we keep coming back after breakups
5 ways to escape the make-up/break-up cycle
5 ways to avoid a tasteless breakup
5 things to tell your friends after you go through a breakup
6 reactions to being dumped from a casual relationship
Should you stay friends after it ends
5 ways to stay civil through a divorce
5 clues when your divorce comes out of the blue
5 things divorce will NOT fix
7 basic situations that can quickly lead to divorce
10 more things divorced men have in common
10 things divorced men have in common
Abuse & Red Flags
3 more signs he's trying to manipulate you emotionally
3 signs he's trying to manipulate you emotionally
4 emotionally abusive behaviors you probably think are normal
4 more emotionally abusive behaviors you probably think are normal
4 signs his love is really jealousy
5 signs of gaslighting
5 ways to recognize manipulation
9 ways to tell if he’s lying to you
How to recognize emotional abuse
5 signs you might be a bad friend
5 signs you’re that annoying married friend
5 ways to be a better friend
6 bad habits of good friends
8 ways to stay close to your girlfriends after getting married
How to break up with a friend
How to find and keep your soul mates
How to tell a girlfriend she’s being cheated on
The 5 friend types EVERY girl needs
4 types of toxic friends
Personal Growth
5 lies you should stop telling today
5 signs that bad habit has become an addiction
10 ways to find your gentle side
Dealing with betrayal
Get a grip! Tips on taking anger by the horns
Happiness is a journey, not a destination
How to deal with your detractors
How to overcome the pitfalls of people pleasing
The secrets of pursuing peace in times of conflict
5 innocent questions you actually shouldn't ask
5 tips for detecting lies
5 tips on tackling ignorance
5 ways to help someone control anger
5 ways to find kindness for people who are not your friends
6 tips for giving the perfect apology
7 reasons why people lie
8 ways to continue learning
Accepting others
Growing generous families
Hey be nice
How to communicate with a narcissist
Showing compassion
Showing empathy
Teaching gratitude
Treat others how you want to be treated
How to overcome the pitfalls of people pleasing
5 tips on dealing with your spouses alcoholism
5 ways to go 5 days without showering
5 ways to protect your kids from childhood obesity
6 things you should never say to someone with depression
3 game changing kids' smoothies with hidden veggies
Easy solutions for your child's food allergy
8 reasons you're not losing weight
How to pick healthy snacks when cravings attack
How to rally your family to fight addiction
Quick tips for battling the blahs
3 amazing ways to stay faithful
3 ways to have faith in your marriage and avoid divorce
Be proud of your beliefs
Helping you children develop a relationship with God
How we can overcome fear
Navigating the line between hope and denial
Teaching kids daily spirituality
Daily Motivation
HOPE for Women
Happy Daughter
Finding Your Spiritual Center During Times Of Uncertainty
3 Ways To Stay Grounded When Everything’s Up In The Air
3 Easy Ways To Keep Great Connections In Quarantine
3 Easy Drink Recipes To Help You Keep Calm And Carry On
Let’s Talk Birth Control Options
Pour Toi
Pour Toi
Alive 65
Late in Life Parenting
More on Late in Life Marriage
More on Late in Life Parenting
Late in Life Dating
Late in Life Marriage
Living with Family Later in Life
10 Ways to Stay Fit With Your Grandkids
5 Ways a Pet Can Save Your Life
5 Ways to Expand Your Spiritual Family
5 Ways to Deal with Grief and Loss
5 Easy Ways to Control Sugar and Stay Satisfied
4 More Ways to Cut Carbs and Stay Satisfied
4 Easy Ways to Cut Carbs and Stay Satisfied
5 Easy Ways to Kick Start Your Weight Loss Plan
6 Super Easy Tips to Help Get in Your Greens
3 Keys to Going Gluten-Free
5 Easy Ways to Cut Dairy from Your Diet
8 Easy Ways to Get More Protein and Stay Strong
5 Tasty Tips for Quick & Easy Energy
Top 5 Teas That Help Your Health
6 Tasty Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Top 5 Not Teas That Help Your Health
Drink Yourself Healthy - 6 DIY Ways to Stay Well
6 Superfoods that Help Boost Immunity
6 Great Ways to Ease Your Stress
6 More Ways to Ease Your Stress
8 Natural Paths Better Sleep
Boomers On...
Spice Up Your Life
Goodness, Greatness, Ginger!
Time for Tea
The Magic of Matcha
The Benefits of Lemon
An Apple A Day
20 Easy Wheat-Free Noodles
Master Tonic
Coconut Oil
Natural Beauty
Haunted MTL
Alternate Ordering
Happy Daughter
Finding Your Spiritual Center During Times Of Uncertainty
3 Ways To Stay Grounded When Everything’s Up In The Air
3 Easy Drink Recipes To Help You Keep Calm And Carry On
3 Easy Ways To Keep Great Connections In Quarantine
Let’s Talk Birth Control Options